Activity 3. Speaking and writing

4. Writing: Action Minutes. Individually open your Market Leader book on page 28 and 29. Read the information related to Acquiring Asia Entertainment Case study (Background). Listen to the excerpt (CD 1.18) and take notes.

Minutes of the management meeting

Date: 20  April
venue: Paulina House.
Present: Pablo Bedoya, Paulina Solis, Johanna Urrea, Diana Trujillo  

1.    Reason for the acquisition: Deal to boost our earnings.

o   Look for savings in terms of personnel, staff cuts, redundancies.
o   Expand the Tv Channels.
o   Offer more Variety and sell more entertainment products.




change the menu at the restaurant

help workers love the company, for that you must evaluate the option to change the menu they find in the restaurant area , look for dishes with which you will feel comfortable and are to corde with culture.

Pablo Bedoya

20  may


train employees to understand the computer system used by the company ,
autralianas them about the movies.

Johanna Urrea

20 may

information about the culture by the bosses.

the new administration know Chinese culture , and that they be taken into account for positions of importance in the company

Paulina Solis

20 may

implement an enterprise culture.

that estragegias and the direction the company is taking is put in Knowledge of all employees , each person knows where it is directed the company and what are the objectives to achieve .

Diana Trujillo

20 may

Next Meeting: Office Asia Entertaiment
Vanue: 20  April, 8:00 Am  


Pablo Bedoya

Paulina Solis

Johanna Urrea

Diana Trujillo 

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